
The Potent Presentations Initiative (p2i) helps evaluators improve their presentation skills, both at the annual evaluation conference and in individual evaluation practice. Potent Presenters think about three key components of compelling presentation: message, design, and delivery.

Potent Presentations Initiative offers:

  • Free downloadable checklists and worksheets
  • Webinars and slides on message, design, and delivery
  • Preparation tools developed by Stephanie Evergreen
  • Audience engagement strategies
  • Poster resources, including examples of great posters and insider tips


Ever leave a conference session and feel like you didn’t have a single takeaway point? This 45-minute Potent Presentations Initiative session trains conference presenters in developing an organized plan for conveying evaluation materials. We describe the architecture of a great presentation, in terms of how to structure the unfolding of a presentation to make it an educational event for the audience.


What is good graphic design in evaluation reporting? Intention and good graphic design can support reader cognition, ultimately increasing the likelihood of evaluation use. To demonstrate the graphic design best practices, this session will feature real before-and-after evaluation reporting designs submitted by AEA members.


This Potent Presentations Initiative demonstration is on how to give goosebumps. You know - it’s that feeling you get when you realize you’ve been glued to the speaker since she opened her mouth and you’ve absorbed every moment of the talk. In this training session, we will discuss how to get and keep attention, how to engage an audience, and how to help them retain the content long after the presentation is over.

More from Friends of p2i


Email AEA with any questions or comments you may have.
