AEA Volunteer Opportunities

AEA values member input and engagement, relying on your guidance and knowledge about the field in the development of programs for our membership. We also value diversity when building a volunteer base to better serve and represent our unique, global community of evaluators.

AEA volunteer roles must:

  1. Contribute to the fulfillment of AEA’s governance and operations while concurrently building member capacity and leadership;
  2. Democratically draw on—and contribute to—valuing diverse experiences, talents, and ways of knowing, as well as diverse racial, ethnic, gender, and cultural backgrounds;
  3. Contribute to trust, respect, ownership, responsibility, and timeliness of interaction within AEA; and
  4. Draw on both individual and collective voices.

Complete the volunteer opportunities form to become a contributing member of the AEA community. While you may submit an application for most Working Groups, those with a membership status that indicates 'Open' are actively seeking members on a rolling basis and will receive top priority in placement.

Volunteer Form

Abstract Reviewers

Charge: To assist Topical Interest Group (TIG) leaders in reviewing presentation abstracts submitted for consideration for the Annual Conference. Volunteer inquiries should be made directly to TIG leaders or during the proposal submission process. Visit to find a list of TIG leaders.

Task Forces

Evaluation Task Force

Charge: The Evaluation Task Force is charged with determining the scope and costs of conducting an evaluation to determine the AEA board’s effectiveness under Policy Governance, identify gaps, and generate recommendations.

Members: Jennifer Heetner (Co-Chair), Abdulsamad Humaidan (Co-Chair), Tatiana Bustos, Rhonda Williams, Tom Grayson, Ying He

Evaluation Policy Task Force

Members: Nick Hart (Chair), Lisa Aponte-Soto, Esther Nolton (AEA Board Liaison), Nicole Bowman, Katherine Dawes, Diana Epstein, Mel Mark, Kathryn Newcomer, Demetra Nightingale, Gregory Phillips, Leslie Fierro, Meg Hargreaves, Ted Knicker, Christina Yancey

Publications Task Force 

Charge: The Publications Task Force works to enhance the quality and impact of the Association’s publications. The Task Force addresses such matters as publication-related policies, editorial transitions, journal contracts, and the infrastructure for publications. As appropriate, it 

offers advice (e.g., about relevant trends involving publications), 
supports journal operations (e.g., by serving as a sounding board), and 
communicates about the publications (e.g., to the Board or Executive Director). 

The Task Force is intended to enhance and, where requested, contribute to the Board’s and the Executive Director’s conduct of their publication-related responsibilities. 

Members: Melvin Mark (Chair), Wanda Casillas, Rodney Hopson, Sarah Mason, Bianca Montrosse-Moorhead, Nadini Persaud, Laura Peck, Maurice Samuels, Cynthia Williams, Thomas Widmer, Brian Yates, Guili Zhang

Foundational Documents Task Force 

Charge: The AEA Foundational Documents Task Force is charged with maintaining and periodically updating externally-facing AEA core documents, including the Guiding Principles, Evaluator Competencies, and Cultural Competence Statement. The charge includes, but may not be limited to, reviewing existing documents and managing a process and schedule to ensure documents are reviewed and updated for the membership.

Members: Veronica Olazabal  (Chair), Christus Cito, Satlaj Dhige, Shelli Golson-Mickens, Rajeev Ramachandran, Monica Ruiz-Casares, Susan Tucker

Working Groups

Awards Working Group

Charge: To review AEA awards applications and select awardees based on established criteria.

Members: Eric Barela (Co-Chair), Rhonda Williams (Co-Chair), Felicia Bohanon, Sharon Attipoe-Dorcoo, Stuart Henderson, Susana Morales, Kathi Trawver, Tatiana Bustos, Corey Newhouse

Conference Advisory Working Group

Charge: To assist AEA in reviewing possible changes to conference structure and evaluating potential innovations. 

Members:  Jan Noga, Stanley Capela, Linda Vo, Lycia Neumann, Dana Wanzer, Tom Chapel

Nominations & Elections Working Group

Charge: To recruit and evaluate member applicants in creation of an annual election slate for Board approval.

Members: Tiffany Tovey (Chair), Monique Liston, Taiwo Adesoba, Beeta Tahmassebi (AEA Board Liaison)

International Working Group

Charge: To assist management with the development of international outreach and AEA’s international presence/programs.

Members: Heather Britt (Chair), Scott Chaplowe, Cindy Clapp-Wincek, Amy Gray, Amy Catherine Jersild, Maria Montenegro, Svetlana Negroustoueva, Hubert Paulmer, Deborah Rugg, Jim Rugh, Mónica Ruiz-Casares, Michele Tarsilla, Alyna Wyatt, Alejandra Garcia Diaz Villamil

Local Arrangement Working Group (Conference)

Charge: To assist management with the coordination of conference outreach and logistics in the conference host city.

Members: Chari Smith (Chair)

Professional Development Working Group

Charge: To provide suggestions and input on the professional development offerings through AEA including eStudies, Coffee Breaks, and PD Workshops at the annual conference and Summer Institute.

Members: Sheila Robinson, Leah Neubauer, Linda Vo, Susan Wolfe, Daniel Kidder, Ann Price, Lisanne Brown, Tom Archibald, Beverly Peters

Research Mailing List Request Working Group

Charge: To assist in considering the requests for AEA member lists for research purposes

Members: Nahima Ahmed, Tarek Azzam, Joaquina Scott Kankam, Krisanna Machtmes

Student Case Competition Working Group

Charge: To recruit and support a team to represent North America in the global Student Evaluation Case Competition.

Members: Dana Linnell, Asma Ali, Rana Gautam, Steven Mumford, Julian Nyamupachitu, Christine Roseveare, Jennifer Yessis, Meg Johnson, Gabriel Keney, Carolina De La Rosa Mateo, Brianna Crumly, Elena Polush, Jonathan Morell


Volunteering in a Working Group requires a commitment to AEA and the assigned program/project. The work product of each Working Group is outlined in individual Charge Documents that also address deadline expectations. Meeting scheduling and frequency for each Working Group are established through consultation between the Working Group members and AEA.
