Minority Serving Institution Fellowship



Introducing the 2023-2024 MSI Cohort


Thank you for your interest in the Minority Serving Institution (MSI) Fellowship! In an effort to enhance the program experience and its offerings for future fellows, we have put a one-year pause on the Minority Serving Institution Fellowship for the 2024-2025 cohort year. We look forward to accepting new fellow applications in January 2025 for the new and improved fellowship experience.

If you have any inquiries regarding the fellowship program, please do not hesitate to reach out to Kutia Swinney at kswinney@eval.org. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

The American Evaluation Association (AEA) brings together a cohort of faculty from MSIs* throughout the academic year to participate in webinars, orientation, and the AEA annual conference.

We typically seek faculty members from groups traditionally under-represented in the applied social sciences, public health, or education working at a Minority Serving Institution* who are looking for an opportunity to participate in professional development opportunities, expand their professional network, and improve their knowledge and understanding of topics related to evaluation, assessment, and applied research.

MSI Fellow Informational Webinar


Program Purpose: The overall purpose of the initiative is to increase the participation of evaluators and academics from underrepresented groups in the profession of evaluation and in the American Evaluation Association. The MSI Faculty Initiative identifies this group of potential and practicing evaluators by drawing from faculty at MSIs. The program focuses on:

  • Broadening their understanding of evaluation as a profession; and
  • Strengthening their knowledge of evaluation theory and methods through workshops, webinars, mentoring, and experiential projects.

Program Goals: The goals of the program are to help faculty at MSIs to:

1. Enhance the evaluation activities and/or curriculum in their departments or universities

2. Orient students to evaluation as a career/profession

3. Disseminate information about evaluation and AEA to colleagues

4. Expand their knowledge of evaluation; and

5. Encourage collaborative writing projects that reflect cross-disciplinary ideals

Program Components:

  • Orientation in Washington, DC
  • Webinar-based Experts Exchange with leaders in teaching evaluation approximately monthly.
  • Monthly teleconference for reporting on individual initiatives and collaboration, peer support.
  • Participation in either individual or a group/cohort culminating evaluation exercise
  • Attendance and participation at AEA's annual conference including networking opportunities and specialized training opportunities for the MSI faculty group as a culminating activity. 
  • Webinar-based Conference debrief/focus group
  • Ongoing access to resources through a specialized webpage
  • Ongoing affiliation with the American Evaluation Association
  • Ongoing affiliation to an AEA local affiliate if present in the region

MSI Fellow Expectations: The MSI faculty are required to participate in the following programmatic activities

  • Fully participate in all periodic webinar and conference calls for orientation, training, planning, debriefing, and focus groups (monthly and as needed)
  • Submission of a brief final report on your plans and progress toward enhancing your research and/or evaluation courses.
  • Propose and deliver a final "product" demonstrative of the benefit of participation and contributing to the profession and AEA (e.g. presentation, publication, teaching materials, modules, etc.).
  • Attendance and participation in AEA's annual conference including networking opportunities and specialized training opportunities for the MSI faculty group as a culminating activity.
  • Written contribution to the AEA365 MSI Fellow Blog week

Financial Support: The following financial support is provided to those participating in the MSI Faculty Initiative

  • Registration fee waiver to AEA annual conference and workshops
  • Travel and accommodations to attend the summer orientation and AEA annual conference

Eligibility Requirements: To be considered for the AEA MSI Faculty Initiative, applicants must:

1. Be a full-time faculty member at a Minority Serving Institution within the United States and Puerto Rico.

2. Have a course assignment that includes the teaching of an evaluation and/or research methods course within one's academic department,

3. Teach in the education, social/behavioral sciences, physical/natural sciences, humanities, public health, or business or non-profit administration,

4. Demonstrate interest (through a written essay) in learning more about evaluation theory, methods, and the profession as well as a commitment to integrating new learning from initiative participation within your class structure,

5. Demonstrate initiative (through a brief written essay) describing how you would coordinate collaboration with other MSI Fellows and develop a timeline for the submission of program tasks (e.g., course enhancement report, blog posts, and group paper presentations) based upon your experience with malleable professional development

6. Provide a letter of support from the appropriate Department Chair or Dean. This letter should include a statement of understanding the institutional commitment to provide support and mentorship to you as a Fellow during the fellowship year

Want to learn more about the MSI Fellowship? Contact MSI Coordinator Dr. Art Hernandez via aeherna8@uiwtx.edu. Click here for the MSI program FAQ and learn more about the 2023-2024 MSI cohort

* A minority serving institution is a federally recognized Title IV institution of higher education that serves minority populations. Learn more here.
